At nineteen-years-old, college student Josie Stratton was kidnapped by a madman and held shackled for ten months in an abandoned warehouse before she finally escaped her hellish prison.
Eight years later, when the body of a young woman is found chained in the basement of a vacant house, Cincinnati Police Detective Zach Copeland is instantly reminded of the crime committed against Josie Stratton. Zach was just a rookie on the perimeter of that case, but he’s never forgotten the traumatized woman with the haunted eyes.
As more information emerges, the crimes take on an even more sinister similarity. But Josie’s attacker died by suicide. Does the city have a copycat on its hands? A killer who picked up where the original perpetrator left off? Or are they facing something far more insidious?
Josie has spent the last eight years attempting to get her life back on track, but now there’s a very real chance she could be the unknown suspect’s next target. As Zach vows to keep her safe, and Josie finds herself responding to him in a way she hasn’t responded to any man in almost a decade, the investigation takes on an even more complex edge of danger.
As past and present collide, Josie and Zach are thrust toward a shocking and chilling truth. A revelation that threatens not only Josie’s life, but everything she’s been fighting so desperately to reclaim.
Where the Blame Lies
Mia Sheridan
Ano: 2019
PĂ¡ginas: 426
Idioma: inglĂªs 

Editora: Independently published
Existe uma frase que eu e muita gente adoramos usar quando amamos demais uma determinada escritora: " Da escritora X eu leio até a lista do mercado."
Minha amiga, ler lista de mercado Ă© fĂ¡cil! Tente encarar uma histĂ³ria de embrulhar o estĂ´mago, arrepiar os cabelos, deixar vocĂª tensa e sem dormir direito. EntĂ£o me coloquei em outro patamar: o de me desafiar a ler um gĂªnero que tenho evitado: o thriller psicolĂ³gico, sĂ³ porque Ă© da escritora que amo.
Senhor Jesus, que livro foi esse?
Mia Sheridan trouxe, com maestria (digna dos melhores livros policiais) a histĂ³ria de Josie pra minha mente e nĂ£o me arrependi de ter encarado este desafio.
Josie Ă© uma jovem universitĂ¡ria que estĂ¡ tentando curtir mais a vida depois de ser traĂda tanto por seu pai, que a abandonou, como por um namorado, que descobriu ser casado, atĂ© que o chĂ£o Ă© literalmente retirado dos seus pĂ©s e sua vida muda radicalmente.
HĂ¡ oito anos, ela estĂ¡ tentando se reerguer depois de ter vivido o inferno ao ser mantida em cativeiro por um lunĂ¡tico por dez meses. Agora que ela estĂ¡ se recuperando, ela se vĂª diante do detetive Zack que estĂ¡ investigando uma sĂ©rie de crimes que se assemelham ao seu. O problema Ă© que seu captor se matou logo depois que ela conseguiu fugir. EntĂ£o quem estĂ¡ cometendo esses crimes?
Alternando passado e presente, vamos conhecendo o que ela passou enquanto estava sequestrada e vendo como ela vai lutar para descobrir o que realmente aconteceu com seu sequestrador.
Um livro bem forte e surpreendente. Quando eu imaginei que sabia quem era o criminoso, de repente uma reviravolta me deixou de cabelo em pĂ© com a revelaĂ§Ă£o de quem estava por trĂ¡s de tantos crimes. Em nenhum momento suspeitei desta pessoa! E a forma como Mia vai construindo o suspense faz com que vocĂª se sinta na pele e na mente do detetive. Adorei demais!
Mas nĂ£o sĂ³ de terror vive nosso livro, tem um romance lindo no meio de tantos horrores e vem para balancear direitinho o peso emocional da histĂ³ria. Zach Ă© um homem mais que especial, trabalhador, responsĂ¡vel e extremamente inteligente que valoriza Josie e cuida dela. Amei demais esse homem da lei. Ele e Josie se completam e formam um casal maravilhoso.
SĂ³ um detalhe me frustrou, e foi o mesmo que me frustrou em Savaged, sĂ³ que nesse livro eu fiquei bem mais irritada com a situaĂ§Ă£o pois eu nĂ£o costumo curtir muito nenhum ponto deixado em aberto, principalmente este tipo de ponto e esta foi a segunda vez que aconteceu por isso, eu peço... Mia, por favor, vamos mudar isso de agora pra frente.
In English
There is a phrase that many people and I use when we love a particular writer too much: "From writer X I read even a market list."
My friend, read the market list is easy. Try to face a story that ruffle your hair, let you go sleepless and look at every dark area. So I put myself on another level: read a genre I avoid, the psychological thriller, just because it's the writer I love.
Lord Jesus, what a book!
Mia Sheridan has masterfully brought (worthy of the best thrillers) Josie's story to my mind and I have not regretted facing this challenge.
Josie is a young college girl who is trying to enjoy her life after being betrayed by both her father that abandoning her and a boyfriend who she discover is married. Until the floor is literally removed from her feet and her life changes radically.
For eight years, she's been trying to recover from living in hell while being held captive by a lunatic for ten months. Now that she is a little better, she meets Detective Zack who is investigating a number of crimes that resemble hers. The problem is that the guy killed himself after she can escape. So who is committing these crimes?
Alternating past and present, we know what she went through while she was kidnapped and how she would struggle to find out what really happened to her kidnapper.
A very strong and surprising book. When you wondered who is the perpetrator everything suddenly changes, then I got my hair up with a revelation of who was behind so many crimes. I would never think it is this person, and the way Mia builds the suspense makes me feel just like the detective. I loved it so much!
But not only does terror live int this book, but a beautiful romance too comes to balance the emotional weight of the story. Zach is a most special, hardworking, responsible and extremely intelligent man who values Josie and cares for her. I loved this lawman so much. He and Josie complete each other and make a wonderful couple.
Just one thing frustrated me and it was the same thing that frustrated me in Savaged but in this book I got a lot angrier with the situation because I don't like very much any point left without closure and it was the second time it happened ... I ask ... Mia, please, let's change this.
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